Investor for the Klotild Palace
During the restoration work with the purpose of corrosion protection it was the client's requirement to achieve exceptionally long anti-corrosive lifespan. We utilized the Thermal Metal Spray Aluminium process, the technology most appropriate for the task handled with serious expertise by our team.
As opposed to the conventional hot-dip galvanization process, the aluminunium coating formed by metallisation performs exceptionally good in the aggressive, urban corrosive environment saturated by petrol fumes (C5 corrosion category). Throughout the project we used both the Flame Spray and Arc Spray devices according to their strengths and the requirements and challenges of the given task while restoring the fine and complex forged structures.
The more than hundred years that passed since its production has left serious marks and damages on the forged steel surfaces. In some places this meant seriously thick rust layers in other places several layers of paint residue. These conditions made the cleaning and preparation work particularly difficult. We used corundum particles, nearly the hardness of diamond, to remove the residues and the rust. After the cleaning phase the steel regained its original, light gray gloss.
The near white sprayed aluminium look might be suprising for the uninitiated eye.
The professional primer coat further extends the lifespan of the forged steel fences.
To render the final look and aesthetic quality we provide a layer of UV resistant topcoat.